name: Matt
email: mcgrupp2000@hotmail.com
hometown: Santa Fe, NM
sex+age: M22
1st show: 6/17/95
most memorable shows: 2/17/97, 11/22/97, 12/31/98.. and so many more
favorite venue: Hampton
favorite motel/campground: My driver's seat
furthest show: Europe
favorite roadside restaurant: Waffle House :)
favorite tune right now: Sand
trade tapes? Yes
know other gay phans? No
out to friends at shows? Yes
occupation/preoccuption: Student
pastimes: Travel, music, reading, thought
other favorite bands: moe, SCI, WP, talking heads
favorite cartoon: Simpsons
favorite websites: Ernie's House of Whoopass
favorite something: Author: Tom Robbins
favorite simpson's character: I could never choose
more: Hey now. I'm a 22yo cub going to school in Santa Fe. I'm from the DC area. I've been to 104 shows, and finding this web site was cool for me cuz I honestly thought I was the only gay phish kid out there. Would love to hear from some other folks from whereever you might be from. Take care, matt