name: Christophe
email: galena@earthlink.net
hometown: Santa Fe, NM
sex+age: M38
1st show: hummm
most memorable shows: Greek Theater, Red Rocks, NYE, Alpine
favorite venue: Telluride Town Park, the Greek
favorite motel/campground: Black Rock City
furthest show: x-country
favorite roadside restaurant: Ace Inn, Alamosa CO....great big margaritas!
favorite tune right now: welllll
trade tapes? No
know other gay phans? Yes
out to friends at shows? Yes
occupation/preoccuption: global voyager
pastimes: skiing, climbing, hiking, soaking, dancing, kissing, sleeping
other favorite bands: Orb, Underworld, DSO, deephouse/trance, bluegrass
favorite cartoon: Simpsons & SpongeBob
favorite websites: ones that load quickly
favorite something: holding a hot guy in my arms at a show
favorite simpson's character: Itchy & Scratchy
more: Well, you've probably figured out by now that I'm a Deadhead, but I thought I would give myself to you all anyway because we all enjoy the vibe and energy of jamming and hope to meet another kind and cute 'head' to share the trip with.....so hit me back if you want to chat......peace brothers!