name: Keith
email: keithproctor@hotmail.com
hometown: Santa Cruz, CA
sex+age: M33
1st show: Alpine Valley 98
most memorable shows: last at Shoreline in 2001
favorite venue: Alpine Valley
favorite motel/campground: Glowood near Deer Creek
furthest show: 1000 miles
favorite roadside restaurant: dunno
favorite tune right now: stuck in the early 90s
trade tapes? Yes
know other gay phans? Yes
out to friends at shows? Yes
occupation/preoccuption: organic freak
pastimes: bike, hike, gym, pool, beer, my man
other favorite bands: WSP, GD, Phish, more
favorite cartoon: Simpsons
favorite websites: www.warincontext.org
favorite something: www.outsports.com
favorite simpson's character: Bart
more: got a B&R shirt two years ago, one for me, one for a lez hippie chick friend, known about B&R for a while, but finally gettin to it. In Santa Cruz, so if any bros/sisters in the area wanna hang, passing thru, lemme know.