name: dphishman
email: bushleaguer01@hotmail.com
hometown: Minneapolis, MN
sex+age: M28
1st show: oct 2nd 1999 Target center
most memorable shows: New Years 1999
favorite venue: Alpine Valley
favorite motel/campground: Super 8
furthest show: Florida
favorite roadside restaurant: Perkins
favorite tune right now: Mock Song
trade tapes? Yes
know other gay phans? Yes
out to friends at shows? Yes
occupation/preoccuption: Sales Manager
pastimes: Photography
other favorite bands: Phish, Pearl Jam, Big Wu, All Mighty Senators
favorite cartoon: Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park, Rin and Stimpy, Furturerama
favorite websites: phish.com, thebigwu.com, ebay.com
favorite something: My Beagle....WILSON!
favorite simpson's character: Doh Bart!!
more: Well it has been too long since I have been out there on the road with Phish. I love the band and the bond that phans have with eachother. Everywhere I have went following Phish I have felt a great vibe of caring and respect back and forth with the friends I have made. It's like the tribe of people who dedicate there lives in following the band are living the lifestyle that is most closest to the way we all should be living as a race of people. Trading, sharing, and helping eachother out in the common goals in life. It's aa little preachy, but it would be so cool wouldn't it? Well hey, if you want to chat drop me an email at bushleaguer01@hotmail.com and mention brianrobert in the subject heading.