name: Rob
email: gyute420@triton.net
hometown: Holland, MI
sex+age: M26
1st show: 6/18/94 UIC Pavilion, Chicago
most memorable shows: 11/16/94 (with Rev Mosier), Deer Creek 95 - 2000, Halloween 96, NY Run 97
favorite venue: Deer Creek (outdoor) and MSG (indoor)
favorite motel/campground: Green Acres
furthest show: ~8800 miles (Athens GA to The Great Went, via Summer Tour 97)
favorite roadside restaurant: That greasy spoon inside every truck stop
favorite tune right now: Carini, Antelope, Tube, and GUYUTE always
trade tapes? Yes
know other gay phans? Yes
out to friends at shows? Yes
occupation/preoccuption: Quality (both occupation and preoccupation)
pastimes: Music, Graphic Art, Reading
other favorite bands: Phish, Dead, Ween, Les Claypool projects, Metallica
favorite cartoon: G-Force, Robotech, Simpsons, Stainboy
favorite websites: www.allrecipes.com, oposite.stsci.edu/pubinfo/SubjectT.html, www.faqs.org
favorite something: Adope Photoshop and Kai's Power Tools
favorite simpson's character: Milhouse
more: What a cool site! I love the fact that we're organizing! Phunky Bitches, look out, there's a new group in town!