name: Warren
email: Biguyskrsf@aol.com
hometown: San Francisco, CA
sex+age: M38
1st show: laguna seca daze '92
most memorable shows: Warfield, San Francisco
favorite venue: anywhere outdoors
favorite motel/campground: Festival Camping
furthest show: Tweeter Center, Mansfield, Mass.
favorite roadside restaurant: any healthfood store I can find
favorite tune right now: cavern
trade tapes? No
know other gay phans? Yes
out to friends at shows? Yes
occupation/preoccuption: Marketing/music
pastimes: Veganism, film, the outdoors, environmental issues
other favorite bands: Grateful Dead, Joni Mitchell, Van Morrison, Neil Young, Miles Davis
favorite cartoon: Simpsons
favorite something: Soy Delicious
favorite simpson's character: Homer
more: I would really like to meet a big, husky hippie guy. If you are vegetarian or vegan that's all the better but you don't have to be. I'm a down to earth guy with a big heart. Please email me if interested.