name: Snaz
email: mitthraw@aol.com
hometown: Northfield, MN
sex+age: M18
1st show: 11/8/96
most memorable shows: 8/9/97, 8/9/98, 10/3/99
favorite venue: Providence Civic Center
favorite motel/campground: no tengo
furthest show: Providence or VA, not sure which is farther
favorite roadside restaurant: Taco Bell? cant eat at most others cuz im a veggie
favorite tune right now: Sand
trade tapes? Yes
know other gay phans? No
out to friends at shows? Yes
occupation/preoccuption: janitor in a school district
pastimes: listening to music, talking with close friends
other favorite bands: PHISH, Leftfield, Autechre
favorite cartoon: Simpsons (!!!!!!!!) and Family Guy
favorite websites: www.gadiel.com/phish, digital blasphemy wallpaper
favorite something: CD- Dark Side of the Moon
favorite simpson's character: Homer or Hans Moleman
more: Im so glad this has started! I wanted to meet people(guys) this summer on tour. I didnt know how it was gonna happen. Now theres such a better chance im psyyyyched. hope to email some of you and talk over time and meet you at shows