name: Patrick, or "tricky"
email: patrickcombs77@hotmail.com
hometown: Lex, KY, soon Grand Canyon, AZ
sex+age: M27
1st show: 11-9-96 Palace, MI
most memorable shows: 8-9-97, 11-19-97, 12-6-97, 4-3-98, 8-3-98, 11-9-98, 11-14-98, 7-18-99, 7-25-99, 12-31-99, 12-30-99, 7-11-00, 9-30 and 9-29-00
favorite venue: Deer Creek
furthest show: Las Vegas 1,900 miles
favorite roadside restaurant: Steak and Shake
favorite tune right now: Bowie/Reba/Tela/YEM/2001/Mike's Groove/Fluffhead/Harpua, :)
trade tapes? Yes
know other gay phans? Yes
out to friends at shows? No
occupation/preoccuption: Hotel Front Desk
pastimes: Travelling,( Road Trips) Live Music, Playing the Piano/Guitar - I know I play a bad, .., Films, Books, Art,Hiking, Camping, .. I'd like to learn how to snowboard and ski, never been..
other favorite bands: Phish, The Dead, Panic, Zeppelin, ABB, Pink Floyd, The Who, Fleetwood Mac, Bob Marley and the Wailers, Beatles, Radiohead, Coldplay, The Doors, Cream, Talking Heads, CCR, Rolling Stones, Beach Boys
favorite cartoon: Tom and Jerry
favorite websites: www.phish.com, www.jambase.com
favorite simpson's character: Homer