name: Michael
email: chansky2001@yahoo.com
hometown: San Francisco, CA
sex+age: M24
1st show: 6/13/95--Riverport Ampitheatre--Maryland Heights, MO
most memorable shows: 10/1/99--Hilton Coliseum--Ames, IA
favorite venue: Spectrum, PA
favorite motel/campground: Sunshine Daydream-WV
furthest show: Nassau Coliseum
favorite roadside restaurant: Steak & Shake
favorite tune right now: waste
trade tapes? Yes
know other gay phans? No
out to friends at shows? Yes
occupation/preoccuption: Law student
pastimes: Good People
other favorite bands: moe., umphrey's, u-melt, dead
favorite cartoon: Simpsons/ Samuri Jack
favorite websites: www.jambase.com
favorite something: Sunsets, i'm a sucker for sunsets, thank god I live in SF.
favorite simpson's character: Mr. Burns
more: Hey All--I'm Michael, I moved to SF about a year ago from St. Louis, MO. I'm in law school out here and just now having some time to have a life. I'm hoping to meet some down people that like enjoy a good conversation, among other things like golf and sushi. Anyways, hope to get to know you.
