name: Matthews, McMatthews, Ivy, or Helmet
email: milt_matthews@hotmail.com
hometown: Chantilly, VA
homepage: http://www.mmm.matthews.com/home.html
sex+age: M23
1st show: I can't remember, but it was fun!
most memorable shows: NYE 2000 with my friend Nicolas!
favorite venue: Philiadelphia -- the city of brotherly love!
favorite motel/campground: Motel 6
furthest show: 2000 miles
favorite roadside restaurant: Snack machines at interstate rest areas. Especially late at night ;)
favorite tune right now: Contact
trade tapes? No
know other gay phans? Yes
out to friends at shows? Yes
occupation/preoccuption: Professional Dancer
pastimes: Clubbing, Watching 90210 and the Real World
other favorite bands: Phish, Indigo Girls, Foo Fighters, N Sync
favorite cartoon: Teletubbies
favorite websites: www.gay.com, www.wendys.com, www.hiv.com
favorite something: Early walks while the morning dew is still out.
favorite simpson's character: Wayland Smithers
more: I can't wait to meet some of you all on tour this summer! I am about 5' 11" with light brown hair (I kind of look like Brad Pitt ;) and I will be wearing my pink "Twist Around" T-shirt and usually carrying a sign for BBFCFM!