name: bexs, becca, becky, retard (jk)
email: bexsflour@yahoo.com
hometown: Falls Church, VA
sex+age: F17
1st show: never seen phish :(
most memorable shows: allman brothers band
favorite venue: wolf trap
favorite motel/campground: lewes beach
furthest show: virginia beach
favorite roadside restaurant: cracker barrel (my grandma loved them)
favorite tune right now: sparkle
trade tapes? Yes
know other gay phans? Yes
out to friends at shows? No
occupation/preoccuption: school
pastimes: dancing/walking/ reading/ friends/ talking/ reminiscing
other favorite bands: derek trucks band, norah jones, spearhead, allman brothers band, john mayer, bruuuuuuuce, the dead, traffic, elton john, the rolling stones, the beatles, dmb, lyle lovett, robert randolph, jimi hendrix, lauryn hill, gov't mule, widespread panic, biggie smalls, otis redding, the who, pat metheny, 13th floor elevators, jackson browne, jeff beck, ronnie wood, rod stewart, bb king, (this is fun...)
favorite cartoon: get fuzzy
favorite websites: phunky.com, yahoo.com, theonion.com, happyhippie.com
favorite something: i like pink... its pretty.
favorite simpson's character: bart.. the badass.
more: I just hope that in this crazy world I can find somebody to love and have fun with.