name: Sohda
email: djmystafunk@yahoo.com
hometown: Crystal Bay, NV
sex+age: M26
1st show: 4.24.94 Grady Cole Cntr Charlotte, NC
most memorable shows: 4.24.94, 6.22.94 Columbus, 11.17.94 Dayton, NYE run 95, 98, 99; Hampton 95, 97,98, The Wheel, Went; The Creek 99, Nashville 00(GO WYNONA!)
favorite venue: MSG, Hampton, The Creek, The Gorge, Warner Theater
favorite motel/campground: Residence Inn, Green Acres
furthest show: California-The Great Went
favorite roadside restaurant: anything but Denny's, Waffle House, you know the kind
favorite tune right now: YEM, Moma, Split, GBOTT, Sand
trade tapes? Yes
know other gay phans? Now I do!
out to friends at shows? Yes
occupation/preoccuption: veterinary technician
pastimes: Trveling,red wine, reading, sailing, snowboarding, outdoors, parties
other favorite bands: Ween, Les Claypool, Billie Holiday, Bongwater, Nick Cave, big, fat funky breaks, Legendary Pink Dots, Pharcyde, Jerry Band, Roger Miller, Meat Beat Manifesto, drums and tuba, Bad Brains and Lightning Hopkins
favorite cartoon: Ren and Stimpy, Space Ghost
favorite websites: ween.com, phans.com, raves.com
favorite something: Mr. Show with Bob and David, water, mountains, friends, Spain
favorite simpson's character: RALPHIE!! (My cats breath smells like cat food.)
more: This is a great site, I can't believe sometimes that it exists. Those of you I've met/partied with are rad...rad, I tell you...rad.