name: Sarah B.
email: me@sarahb.tv
hometown: Weston, MA
sex+age: F28
1st show: 05/08/93 UNH Fieldhouse, Durham, NH
most memorable shows: Ventura '97 & Deer Creek 6/24/04
favorite venue: The Gorge!!!
favorite motel/campground: Best Western Wakashua for letting us check-in at 6am for that night!
furthest show: Boston -> The Gorge
favorite roadside restaurant: Whole Foods
favorite tune right now: The Curtain With
trade tapes? Yes
know other gay phans? Yes
out to friends at shows? Yes
occupation/preoccuption: Project Engineer
pastimes: sailing, windsurfing, lacrosse, putting my favorite phish songs on repeat
other favorite bands: ani difranco, WSP, the new deal, addison groove project, melissa etheridge, bitch & animal, etc. (jam vs. feminist)
favorite cartoon: south park
favorite websites: www.phunkybitches.com
favorite something: bombay sapphire & tonic
more: Hopefully the Phish communities like this one will persist long after the shows have faded. Coventry was quite an ending, wasn't it? Awww yea. (side note: I called the Curtain as last song back in June '04). AND THEN... ???