name: Robby
email: ynotie29@aol.com
hometown: Long Island, NY
sex+age: M22
1st show: 6/29/95
most memorable shows: new years 2000, hampton 99, merriwether 00
favorite venue: hampton
furthest show: florida for new years 2000
favorite roadside restaurant: Denny's...where else can you order something called moons over my hammy
favorite tune right now: squirming coil
trade tapes? No
know other gay phans? No
out to friends at shows? Yes
occupation/preoccuption: teacher
pastimes: I enjoy doing alot of different things. Anything outdoors is usually a plus!
other favorite bands: Disco Biscuits, Moe, Talking Heads, Smiths, Rusted Root
favorite cartoon: Simpsons, Family Guy
favorite websites: onion.com, walther-productions.com
favorite simpson's character: homer
more: I randomly found this website and was psyched. I had been to cheesy bar the night before again realizing that it is impossible to meet cool guys on long islang. I would love to meet some cool new people, so drop me an e-mail. See you at the shows..