name: Ray
email: gauged34@aol.com
hometown: Burlington, NC
sex+age: M34
1st show: Charlotte 10/26/96
most memorable shows: Big Cypress, Charlotte 7/7/99, W-S, NC 11/19/98
favorite venue: Big Cypress, Charlotte Blockbuster
favorite motel/campground: Holiday Inn- Charlotte Ind.Ave
furthest show: Big Cypress
favorite roadside restaurant: Waffle House
favorite tune right now: Loving Cup, Wading in the Velvet Sea
know other gay phans? Yes
out to friends at shows? No
occupation/preoccuption: elem. teacher
pastimes: live jam bands, good times @420
other favorite bands: SCI, Panic, Hookah, Mood Culitivation, Leftover
favorite cartoon: Daria, Simpsons, King of the Hill
favorite websites: www.bmezine.com
favorite something: cool breezes, good friends, cold beer
favorite simpson's character: Moe
more: I so glad I had the pleasure of 5 Dead shows and I don't know why it took so long to find phish (Army's fault), but fate led me to them. I'm still amazed to find other small jambands that can get me groovin' until I'm in that zone. My favorite release is seeing live shows because it gives me a break from reality.