name: Rain
email: rainshineslove@aol.com
hometown: Brooklyn, NY
sex+age: M27
1st show: Old Orchard Beach,ME 199?
most memorable shows: Sugarbush 1995
favorite venue: some airforce base?
favorite motel/campground: don't recall where I was
furthest show: Las Vegas (Phish show)
favorite roadside restaurant: our bus
favorite tune right now: which one?
trade tapes? No
know other gay phans? Yes
out to friends at shows? Yes
occupation/preoccuption: hippie
pastimes: life, being free, food,wine, travel, language, writing, sacriment and adventure, experience
other favorite bands: Dead, Ziggy, Bob, Dead, I Vibes, roots
favorite cartoon: TV? What's that?
favorite websites: this one, gayhippies@yahoogroups
favorite something: tour, beauty, love, experience, my passport, my backpack, my window overlooking Wall ST. so I can laugh and marvel at the beauty yet...
favorite simpson's character: smithers and his crush on Mr.Burns
more: Hey! So psyched to find this site! Glad to hear that there are others out there! I confess, I am way more of a Dead Head than a Phish Head, but I deeply love both. Hey, Kind Brothers and Sisters- ever in NYC, let me know. Especially the kind, beautiful, cute brothers... just kidding. Or am I? Go in love. See you all out there.