name: Nik, Scooby, Lush
email: nfkato@yahoo.com
hometown: New York City
sex+age: M34
1st show: The Cabooze (early 90's)
most memorable shows: That ones too tough
favorite venue: Hampton, Deer Creek
favorite motel/campground: Ones without cops
furthest show: 700 miles
favorite tune right now: Down With Dease
trade tapes? No
know other gay phans? Yes
out to friends at shows? Yes
occupation/preoccuption: Advertising executive by week/Partier by weekend
pastimes: Music, outdoor stuff, golf, running, Elvis
other favorite bands: Phish, Widespread, Stones, Bruce, Who, Neil, Radiohead, Beck, Garage a trois, you get the picture...
favorite cartoon: Not much into cartoons but I've always liked Simpsons and SpaceGhost
favorite simpson's character: Moe
more: My boyfriend and I live in NYC and would always like to meet cool gay folks with similar music taste to go to shows with and such. We have great friends here but they don't genereally dig the same music and would never be into say, driving a few hundred miles to catch some Phish shows. Drop me a line at nfkato@yahoo.com!