name: Nick
email: drummernick34@hotmail.com
hometown: Indianapolis, IN
sex+age: M25
1st show: November 15, 1996 (The "M" Set!!)
most memorable shows: The Went, 7/25/99 Creek, 11/15/96 St. Louis, 8/02/98 Creek 2nd set
favorite venue: Deer Creek
favorite motel/campground: One in Kansas we stayed at summer 99
furthest show: Limestone Maine
favorite roadside restaurant: Any truckstop with good breakfast food served 24 hours!
favorite tune right now: Any song that peaks out like Bowie, Antelope, Mike's, Llama, etc. where you get that feeling inside that no other music in the world gives you.
trade tapes? Yes
know other gay phans? Yes
out to friends at shows? Yes
occupation/preoccuption: Elementary Teacher
pastimes: Playing the drums in my jam band
other favorite bands: Pearl Jam, MMW, Pink Floyd, Yes, REM
favorite cartoon: South Park
favorite websites: gay.com
favorite something: 420
favorite simpson's character: Bart
more: I've been on here several times, but am just now posting. I'm really looking forward to meeting some of you. Hopefully Phish will arrange that very soon! In the meantime, they've already made lots of awesome music for us to listen to, and if you want to trade some disks with me, email me! Later...