name: Mike
email: mike_check@hotmail.com
hometown: Snowmass Village, CO
sex+age: M31
1st show: trey acoustic show-madison,WI- may '99
most memorable shows: radio city music hall
favorite venue: anything outdoors-gerald ford amphitheater, vail
favorite motel/campground: best/worst-shady acres near deer creek. last summer it was 100+degrees+humidity, and just as the sun started rising and the echo of popping nitrous balloons faded, the owner of the "campground" started incessantly making announcements over the bullhorn, including reading the headlines of the daily newspaper. arghh!
furthest show: new york city. boyfriend went to japan.
favorite roadside restaurant: mickey's dairy bar, madison, WI
favorite tune right now: any with a great jam/70's or 80's covers
trade tapes? Yes
know other gay phans? Yes
out to friends at shows? Yes
occupation/preoccuption: family doctor
pastimes: snowboarding, hiking, mountainbiking, running, cars, reading, home renovation,hanging out with friends
other favorite bands: phish, dark star orchestra, string cheese incident, new deal, sector 9
favorite something: dinner parties with latest live phish disc playing
favorite simpson's character: hmmm
more: i'm glad there is a gay phish site-i like the idea of wearing a shirt of some sort that would identify other fellow fags at a show. maybe someone could arrange a pre or post show meeting spot in the parking lot to hang out and meet others.