name: mick
email: bigwooly42@aol.com
hometown: augusta/athens
sex+age: M21
1st show: 11-10-95
most memorable shows: 10-31-96
favorite venue: the fabulus ox
favorite motel/campground: DAZE INN, spring and baker
furthest show: NYC
favorite roadside restaurant: wendys
favorite tune right now: punch u in the i, 1st tube
trade tapes? Yes
know other gay phans? Yes
out to friends at shows? No
occupation/preoccuption: student/bartender
pastimes: photography, paintng, seeing shows whner posible
other favorite bands: DEAD, PANIC, phish, cheese, marley, paul simon
favorite cartoon: Scoby, Capt. Caveman, Flintstones, Jabber Jaw
favorite websites: everydaycompanion.com, ezboardpanic
favorite something: bri bri, traveling, hiking
favorite simpson's character: maggie
more: its very releiving to know that there are others in the world like me. I was begining to wonder if I was the only one out there,,,,,ha,,,heading to Athens in Jan,,for school,,,any kynd kids want an addition to their phamily,,,,,,,,Im a kynd fella thats got much luv to spread,,shoot me an email or something,,,,I NEED TO GO TO A SHOW SO I CAN SHAKE MY BONES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!