name: Mario
email: Jamiroquai74@hotmail.com
hometown: Va. Beach, VA
sex+age: M28
1st show: 11/21/95 winston-salem
most memorable shows: 8/9/98, 10/25/96, 10/26/96, 10/31/96, 11/21/22/98, 12/31/99
favorite venue: Hampton Coliseum
favorite motel/campground: embassy suites/Candlewood Estsate
furthest show: Big Cypress
favorite roadside restaurant: IHOP
favorite tune right now: lawn boy
trade tapes? Yes
know other gay phans? No
out to friends at shows? Yes
occupation/preoccuption: Manage a local Deadshop called Half Moon
pastimes: socializing, seeing live music, shopping
other favorite bands: Dead, Jamiroquai, phish, Steel Pulse, MMW, DR. Didj, Leftover Salmon, Keller Williams, bluegrass
favorite cartoon: Droopy, Simpsons
favorite websites: Dead.net, Jamiroquai.com, Jambands.com, Phish.net, Andy Gadiels.com, Mule.net, laketrout.com
favorite something: Men, Music, herbal intake, chillin like a villian
favorite simpson's character: Lisa Simpson
more: Are there any real people out there anymore? Come on and let your Love Lite shine! Looking for someone who can appreciate a loving, kind soul. I'm crossing my fingers in hope that something positive will come from this! Peace,Love,Music!!!