name: Kipp
email: dogboy70@hotmail.com
hometown: Portland, OR
sex+age: M20
1st show: dunno
most memorable shows: dunno
favorite venue: not sure
favorite motel/campground: anywhere in the desert
furthest show: have not yet
favorite roadside restaurant: Char Burger
favorite tune right now: not sure
trade tapes? No
know other gay phans? No
out to friends at shows? Yes
occupation/preoccuption: student
pastimes: camping, hiking, my dog, concerts, conversatiing, keepin it real
other favorite bands: The Who, Zeppelin, Guess Who, Bob Marley, U2, Hendrix, Supertramp, The Doors, Van Halen, The Police, many others
favorite cartoon: Ducktales, Scooby Doo
favorite something: tryin to fall in love
favorite simpson's character: Waylan Smithers
more: Im a hopeless romantic who wants a boyfriend more than anything, i have a wide variety on interests, am easygoing, and very smart! im 5'10 170 lbs average build, kinda hairy, black hair, hazel eyes.. good looks