name: John
email: skogsinco@hotmail.com
hometown: Denver, CO
sex+age: M35
1st show: Summer 95 Lakewood Amph. in Atlanta
most memorable shows: 11-17-97, 8-97 Shoreline, 10-31-98 Vegas, Dec. 96 Vegas
favorite venue: Red Rocks
furthest show: Denver to George, WA
favorite roadside restaurant: In and Out Burger
favorite tune right now: Tweezer 11-17-97
trade tapes? Yes
know other gay phans? Yes
out to friends at shows? Yes
occupation/preoccuption: restaurant/ bar concept company and operator
pastimes: food, wine, music, friends
other favorite bands: Phish, WSP, Galactic, Tom Petty, Radiohead, Natalie Merchant, Talking Heads, Nick Cave, Beethoven, MMW, Wendy Woo, Neil Young
favorite websites: google
favorite something: type of wine: Zinfindel
more: Just learned about this site last nightfrom a dude i met at a gay function at a straight club while taking a break from dancing to a great night of electronica from Danny Howells at Church nightclub here in Denver. Thanks for the tip, Glenn and i hope to make some new friends...