name: Joel
email: jpetty@eden.rutgers.edu
hometown: Middletown, NJ
sex+age: M20
1st show: December 28, 1998 Madison Square Garden
most memorable shows: my first show and both nights in Cincinatti during this winter tour
favorite venue: Tweeter Center (former E Center)
furthest show: about 10 hours
favorite roadside restaurant: waffle house grew on me during winter tour
favorite tune right now: fee
trade tapes? No
know other gay phans? No
out to friends at shows? Yes
occupation/preoccuption: Student
pastimes: attending concerts and chilling out
other favorite bands: Phish, Moe., the Dead
favorite cartoon: Simpsons and Aqua Team Hunger Force
favorite websites: jambase.com, phantasytour.com
favorite simpson's character: ralph
more: I'm really glad I stumbled across this web page. I've loved Phish since I first saw them in '98. I'm finally able to start attending a lot of the shows on tour. I never knew there was a gay scene in the Phish scene. I'm glad to know you're out there. Peace.