name: Joey
email: phunkboy@riseup.net
hometown: Oakland, CA
sex+age: M26
1st show: red rocks '94
most memorable shows: vegas and nassau '03
favorite venue: red rocks
favorite motel/campground: alligator alley
furthest show: vancouver, san diego, limestone, big cypress (when do we get hawaii?)
favorite roadside restaurant: that gay vegan place in boys town
favorite tune right now: hood, reba, sand, sneakin
trade tapes? Yes
know other gay phans? Yes
out to friends at shows? Yes
occupation/preoccuption: ambassador and all around libertine
pastimes: making things grow, cooking and eating yummy food, creating and getting down to music, waging peace, making love and sharing in the groove
other favorite bands: zeppelin, dead, jerry band, kimock, wailers, galactic, radiohead, jill scott/fatback taffy
favorite cartoon: doh!
favorite something: a long island at trannyshack
favorite simpson's character: after homer, jesse the level five vegan
more: winter tour 2003...wow! it was great to connect and get down with you all. as i told bryan from snowmass, "this will happen again." see you in july...