name: Derek
email: phishing@shaw.ca
hometown: Vancouver, BC
sex+age: M33
1st show: 11/23/96
most memorable shows: any Gorge
favorite venue: the Gorge - "What a beautiful buzz"
furthest show: Toronto
favorite tune right now: PYITE, Gotta Jibboo and RoggaeÊ(live versions)
trade tapes? Would like to.
know other gay phans? Just made some, thanks to the site.
out to friends at shows? Yes
occupation/preoccuption: Number Cruncher
pastimes: Music, Scuba, Outdoors, Chillin'.
other favorite bands: Dead, Panic, the Mac, Floyd, DMB,ÊJack Johnson.
favorite cartoon: Road Runner
more: I really love this music. It is such a part of my life, but sadly I go it alone. I'm psyched this site has been created (thanks boys!). Already I have met a couple of gay phans and just having that connection is really something. I hope to meet some cool queers through this, and maybe meet up at shows. It would even be cooler to meet a cute dude that might turn into something more. I keep hopin'. Peace.