name: David
email: willowbreeze@hotmail.com
hometown: New Haven, CT
sex+age: M28
1st show: Greatwoods 94
most memorable shows: Clifford Ball, Denver 97, vegas 98, providence 99, BC, phall tour 2000
favorite venue: Greatwoods
favorite motel/campground: hmmmm, national forest camping for sure!
furthest show: Boulder to Big Cypress
favorite roadside restaurant: waffle house...keep beat the grease
favorite tune right now: pebbles and walls of the cave right now; runaway Jim always
trade tapes? No
know other gay phans? No
out to friends at shows? Yes
occupation/preoccuption: travel, shows
pastimes: camping, being crafty, lettin loose
other favorite bands: String cheese incident, YMSB, Trey Band, um....oh yeah, phish...umphrey's Mcgee and a few others....gotta have the cheese though
favorite cartoon: Tom and Jerry
favorite something: my dog of course!
favorite simpson's character: Ralph Wiggam...that kid cracks me up!
more: Great site!! Good way to branch out the phamily/family! Kinfolk kids...it's important
Be Good and Safe!