name: Big C
email: colinhoops@earthlink.net
hometown: Eugene, OR
sex+age: M26
1st show: New Years, Boston Garden
most memorable shows: ALL GORGES, Big Cypress, Lemonwheel, Ozwego
favorite venue: GORGE, baby
favorite motel/campground: GORGE
furthest show: Limestone, ME
favorite tune right now: Curtain
trade tapes? No
know other gay phans? No
out to friends at shows? No
occupation/preoccuption: Just another Student of Life, man, learnin to survive
pastimes: Music, people
other favorite bands: The Band, Grateful Dead (and all there incarnations), Bela, Karl, Garaj Majal (and anything with Kai in it), and many many more
favorite cartoon: Simpsons (pre 2001 or so), Family Guy
favorite websites: michaelmoore.com, burningman.com
favorite something: BURNING MAN
favorite simpson's character: Lisa....I am that little girl *sniff*
more: I'm just looking for people like me who set out to find out what else they were besides just gay, rather than making it the center of there life.