name: Barry
email: cryptical17@hotmail.com
hometown: New York, NY
homepage: http://expage.com/phishlist
sex+age: M30
1st show: 12/30/97
most memorable shows: Oswego '99, Hershey '00
favorite venue: Lakewood Amphitheatre
furthest show: Shoreline '00 (had an awesone time!)
favorite tune right now: First Tube
trade tapes? Yes
know other gay phans? Yes
out to friends at shows? Yes
occupation/preoccuption: Paralegal
pastimes: shows, travelling, phishing!
other favorite bands: Phish, Dead, Beatles, String Cheese, Allmans, classic rock & jam bands
favorite cartoon: Top Cat
favorite websites: This one is real cool
favorite something: travelling
favorite simpson's character: Me gusta Bumblebee Man
more: I've been with Brian&Robert since summer and had the pleasure to meet a lot of cool people at shows at Shoreline near San Fransisco. What awesome experience it was. I'm always up to meeting any new people at shows or wherever. Don't be shy, feel free to e-mail me any time. :0) Be cool, be youself!!