name: Andrew / AW
email: awarren@jambase.com
hometown: San Francisco, CA
sex+age: M26
1st show: Boston Orpheum 5.16.92
most memorable shows: Halloween 94 | New Years 93 | Vegas
favorite venue: Desert Sky Pavilion | Fox Theater in Atlanta
favorite motel/campground: Someone else's room
furthest show: Far
favorite tune right now: Reba and Hood now and forever
trade tapes? No
know other gay phans? Yes
out to friends at shows? Yes
occupation/preoccuption: Music writer researcher for a music website
pastimes: Writing, Traveling and living in the city
other favorite bands: Rotates Daily
favorite cartoon: Red Meat..
favorite something: Lying in bed in the morning on a Sunday..
favorite simpson's character: Side Show Bob
more: I think that this resource is a great start to a larger mission. The mission of integrating our sub-scene into the Phish community, and having gay/straight not be an issue at all. I am under the assumption and have learned from expierience that most fans are tolerant and accepting of the gay heads. It really should not matter about someones sexual preference. Instead it is who you are and what you have to offer the community as a whole that counts. Just being a good peerson will show the rest of the world that it matters not who you kiss goodnight.